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Bolas de precisión

Thomson Precision Balls tiene más de 60 años como líder en el suministro de bolas de precisión estándar, rodamientos de bolas de precisión y bolas de acero inoxidable únicas para aplciaciones específicas. ¿Por qué Thomson Precision Balls? Tres respuestas: nuestra variedad de tipos de bolas de precisión, nuestras tecnologías de rodamientos de bolas de precisión y nuestros materiales de bolas de acero inoxidable de calidad.

Los tipos de diseño de Bolas de Precisión Thomson incluyen:

  • Bolas de precisión de forma distintiva incluyendo plana, de corte diagonal, de forma de cono y pasador usadas típicamente como herramientas de pulido y formado endurecidas.
  • Una solución de rodamientos de bolas de precisión perforadas con un completo rango de tamaños, profundidades de orificio (incluyendo orificio pasante), diámetros y materiales.
  • Las bolas de acero inoxidable de precisión recubiertas agregan capas para mejorar ciertas propiedades físicas incluyendo la dureza, resistencia a la corrosión, supresión de ruido y características eléctricas.
  • Las bolas de precisión huecas son más necesarias en aplicaciones donde la sensibilidad de peso es crítica.

Los tipos de tecnologías de Rodamientos de Bola de Precisión y Bolas de Acero Inoxidable Thomson que mejoran nuestra calidad incluyen:

  • El laboratorio de calibración acreditado por A2LA ofrece calibraciones efectivas, eficientes y precisas para asegurar la regularidad de forma en nuestras bolas de precisión.
  • El valor agregado personalizado en nuestros sub-ensambles incluyendo ofertas de solución de bolas de acero inoxidable completas. Tenemos capacidades de cuarto de herramientas en sitio extensas y ofrecen prototipos rápidos de bolas de acero inoxidable.
  • Las transferencias de bolas de acero inoxidable por lo general se usan para asistir el transporte de varios artículos y se pueden encontrar en sistemas de manejo de material.
  • Todas las bolas de precisión y bolas de acero inoxidable están garantizadas para cumplir o exceder las normas de la American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ANSI/ABMA Std. 10-1989).
  • Certificados QA-9000 y registrados en ISO 9002.

Los tipos de materiales de Bolas de Precisión Thomson incluyen (más comunes):

  • Las bolas de acero inoxidable al cromo desgasificadas al vacío (AISI E52100) presentan acabado fino de superficie, dureza y alta capacidad de carga, excelentes en material fundido al vacío por electrodo consumible.
  • Las bolas de acero inoxidable (AISI Tipo 440C) ofrecen la mejor dureza y acabado de superficie y están disponibles en materiales fundidos al doble vacío.
  • Las bolas de acero inoxidable (AISI Tipo 302/316) presentan dureza no recocido, totalmente uniforme (medidos en los planos paralelos) y por lo general es Rockwell "C" 25 a 39†. Dureza recocida Rockwell "B" 75 a 90† disponible.


Buscar un producto

Pioneer Steel Ball was founded in 1946 in Unionville, Connecticut by five men who had extensive experience in the steel ball industry. The idea to form the company took root several years earlier, but since the founders did not want to jeopardize the war effort in any way, they waited until the war had ended. In the forties and fifties, Pioneer, produced carbon steel balls for bearings and the automotive industry. In addition, the company manufactured a variety of steel sizes and shapes for the burnishing industry. Pioneer’s growth outpaced their capital and in the early ‘50s they sold the company to Pittsburg Steel with the option to repurchase it at a later date. Unfortunately, they bought back the company a few months before the devastating hurricane and flood of 1955. Located on the banks of the Farmington River, the company took a direct hit and was destroyed. However, it was rebuilt by two of the former five partners who later expanded the product lines to include High Carbon Chrome SAE 52100 as well as a full line of stainless steel types: 440C, 302, 316. The partners also added lapping machines to produce tighter tolerances and improved surface finish. One of their greatest accomplishments was to develop the 36” flashing machine, the largest at that time. This accomplishment was the result of their combined expertise which had been acquired over sixty years in the steel ball business. Pioneer’s innovative leadership continued with the development of extremely strong hollow stainless steel 440 balls for the air cargo industry. They also developed a special stainless steel type 431 gold- plated with extremely high tolerance for the automobile air bag deployment mechanism.

A second company in the industry, ABEK, had been founded in 1976 by two people with 20 years of miniature ball- making experience. Unlike Pioneer, which specialized in small to large balls, ABEK specialized in miniature balls that were 1/16 of an inch in diameter or smaller. With its expertise in this area, ABEK was able to manufacture high precision balls as small as .012 inches and became a leader in this field.

It was this expertise, combined with Thomson Industries determination to have a USA supplier of high quality, that had led it to purchase ABEK in 1982. Once the purchase was finalized, approximately 14% of ABEK’s sales were to Thomson divisions. At that time, ABEK manufactured the miniature and small balls sizes, and purchased the larger sizes from Pioneer, which it then sold to Thomson. ABEK, was combined with Pioneer in 1988 to form Thomson Precision Ball. This enabled Thomson Industries to satisfy all of its’ ball requirements. Approximately 14% of Thomson Precision Ball capacity is still dedicated to Thomson Industries.

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