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Thinking of converting from hydraulic to electric? Connect with a Thomson actuator product manager to learn more.

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Up to 450 lbf
(Up to 2001 N)

Low Load

Up to 450 lbf (Up to 2001 N)

450+ to 1500 lbf
(2001+ to 6672 N)

Mid Load

450+ to 1500 lbf (2001+ to 6672 N)

New Higher Loads!
1500+ to 5600 lbf
(6672+ to 24910 N)

High Load

1500+ to 5600 lbf (6672+ to 24910 N)

Tired of Hydraulic Problems?

Talk to a Thomson expert about converting your maching designs to electric

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ILA hydraulic conversion
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