Thomson currently has two account systems - one for the website and CAD model downloads, and one for e-commerce. We understand that two logins is an inconvenience and are working to consolidate our systems into one login process. Until we’re able to consolidate the two logins, please follow these guidelines:
Carro de transporte de esferas da Série 500, 35mm, Padrão de comprimento, Ultraprecisão, Aproximadamente 0,03 C, Preload, Raspador de metal, Bloco de lubrificação de longa vida, Lubrificado com Mobilux EP2,
Tempo de avanço:3 DaysQuantidades maiores podem aumentar o tempo de execução. Tempo de execução exibido em dias úteis.
$939.03cadaCosts associated with shipping, packaging, and import taxes/duty not included.
The CAD model for 511U35B1LZG1 is unavailable right now.
Our web team has been notified of the error and will get this fixed soon. For immediate assistance during regular business hours, contact Thomson Customer Support. Or, submit your contact information below and someone will get back to you asap.
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