MS33-100422 - Produto obsoleto

Prodotto MS33-100422 ora è un articolo obsoleto.


MS33LJN0203-055N099A0A00, Linear Unit, Micro Stage, Continuously Supported, Vite di comando Drive, Sfera Guide, 0.005 mm Repeatability, Precaricato, 107 mm Stroke, Slitta standard singola, 2 mm Travel Per Shaft Rev, Inline, 0.07 m/s Maximum Linear Speed, Obsolete

  • Compact, lightweight package
  • Stainless steel leadscrew with anti-backlash nut offers precise repeatability
  • Segmented linear bearings provide smooth motion
  • Corrosion resistant options available


Unità di misuraValore
[L]203 mm
Smax (corsa)107 mm
Travel Per Shaft Rev2 mm

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