MS33-100163 - Produto obsoleto

Prodotto MS33-100163 ora è un articolo obsoleto.


MS33LHN0714-055N505A0A00, Linear Unit, Micro Stage, Continuously Supported, Vite di comando Drive, Sfera Guide, 0.005 mm Repeatability, Precaricato, 618 mm Stroke, Slitta standard singola, 1.000 in Travel Per Shaft Rev, Inline, 33.33 in/s Maximum Linear Speed, Obsolete

  • Compact, lightweight package
  • Stainless steel leadscrew with anti-backlash nut offers precise repeatability
  • Segmented linear bearings provide smooth motion
  • Corrosion resistant options available


Unità di misuraValore
[D1]5 mm
[D2]22 mm
[E]28 mm
[F]1.2 mm
[G]43.8 mm
[H1]39.9 mm
[K]0.136 mm
[L]714 mm
[L5]49.5 mm
[P]7.8 mm
Smax (corsa)618 mm
Travel Per Shaft Rev1 in

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