ECT09-10001 - Produto obsoleto

Prodotto ECT09-10001 ora è un articolo obsoleto.

This product family is now obsolete. Review our current product offering through our T-Series overview page.


Actuator, Precision, ECT90, ECT09-I09B03PB2510-1220XN00XX, 3 phase AC motor (3 x 400 Vac), Belt Gear Drive, Parallel, 1220 mm Stroke, 10 mm Travel Per Shaft Rev, with 230 Vac Brake, 9750 N

  • Three phase asynchronous AC motor with brake
  • Extruded anodized aluminum cover tube
  • Anodized aluminum housing
  • Hard chromed steel extension tube
  • Robust and reliable
  • IP65 standard, wash down protected versions available
  • Can be installed in all directions
  • Mounting accessories according to hydraulic cylinder standards available
  • Large range of options and accessories


Unità di misuraValore
[B]15 mm
[L]1415 mm
[L1]1500 mm
Diametro delle viti, nominale25 mm
Smax (corsa)1220 mm
Travel Per Shaft Rev10 mm

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