DF24-10W54-06LNHHN - Produto obsoleto

Prodotto DF24-10W54-06LNHHN ora è un articolo obsoleto.


Obsolete - Actuator, Electrak 150, 24 VCC, 110 lbf, 6 in, Finecorsa, Cable length 5 in, Connector, 2.8 in/s Velocità di corsa a pieno carico

  • Obsolete
  • See part number K2EP1.0G05-24V-BR-06R90 or MD24A050-0150XXX1NNMD for a similar item.
  • The suggested products are not drop in replacements, be sure to review the product specifications as there are design differences


Unità di misuraValore
[A]14.01 in
[S]6 in

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