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Sizing and Selecting Lead Screws for Your Linear Applications (EU) | 37 min

With high precision and customizability, low drag, zero backlash, long life, affordability, and the ability to interchange leads, sizes and nut configurations, it’s no surprise that lead screws are so popular and often referred to as the “just right” solution for a wide range of linear applications. Tailored for design engineers who may not be familiar with lead screws, this webinar will cover some of the basic details of this linear component, including their differentiating features and benefits, ideal applications and much more. Watch this 37-minute webinar recording, and you'll learn:

  • The basics of manufacturing lead screws.
  • What sets lead screws apart from other screw types.
  • Lead screw attributes, why they are important and in which applications they are most useful.

Presenter: Ojesh Singh, Product Manager Lead Screws - EMEA & Asia, Thomson Industries

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