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MLSM80Z (FORCELINE) Linear Units

MLSM80Z (FORCELINE) Linear Units

FORCELINE MLSM80Z positioning slide is designed with the extremely fast SPEEDLine® guidance system.With its successful patented plastic cover band, these units can be installed in just about any direction. The surface of the unit's power bridge is designed with T-slots on similar spacing allowing easy X-Y assembly of gantry or Cartesian systems.


MLSM80Z Specifications:

Specifications / Shaft Size MLSM80Z
Profile size (w x h): mm (in) 240 x 85 (9.5 x 3.4)
Type of Belt: 75 ATL 10
Max Stroke Length: mm (in) 5900 (232)
Max Linear Speed: m/s (in/s) 5 (197)
Max Acceleration: m/s2, in/s2 20 (787)
Repeatability: ± mm (in) 0.05 (0.002)
Max Input Speed: rpm (rev/s) 1500 (25)
Operating Temperature: °C (°F) 0 to 80 (32 to 176)
Max Dynamic Load (Fx): N (lbf) 5000 (1124)
Max Dynamic Load (Fy): N (lbf)
complete unit
6400 (1439)
Max Dynamic Load (Fz): N (lbf)
complete unit
6400 (1439)
Max Dynamic Torque (Mx): Nm (lbf-in)
complete unit
600 (5311)
Max Dynamic Torque (My): Nm (lbf-in)
complete unit
720 (6373)
Max Dynamic Torque (Mz): Nm (lbf-in) 720 (6373)
Max Drive Shaft Force: N (lbf) 700 (157)
Max Drive Shaft Torque: Nm (lbf-in) 150 (1328)
Pulley Diameter: mm (in) 63.66 (2.51)
Stroke per Shaft Revolution: mm (in) 200 (7.9)
 Weight: kg (lb)
unit with zero stroke
every 100 mm of stroke
each carriage
30.8 (67.9)
2.2 (4.85)
9.6 (21.2)

MLSM80Z Feature Highlights:

  • Four mounting clamps included
  • Adjustable belt tensioning
  • Central lubrication design
  • Double carriages
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