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Electrak® LL linear actuators: Long life at high-duty cycle in harsh environments (EU)

The new Thomson Electrak LL smart electric linear actuator was specially designed to ensure long and trouble-free operation in the toughest applications. Even by Thomson standards, Electrak LL stands out in this respect, and it will keep working where most other electric actuators fail. This advantage is especially true for industrial applications where equipment is often put to work around the clock and long service life is expected.

This webinar covers the Electrak LL’s vast capabilities, including the latest advancements to help you meet even the strictest environmental demands. Watch the recording

Join us for this 40-minute presentation, and you'll learn:

  • How the Electrak LL’s maintenance-free, long life and ability to run at a higher duty cycle can contribute toward your motion design’s performance, reliability and durability.
  • How the Electrak LL’s toughness and environmental resistance allow it to meet railway safety standards.
  • Which high-duty cycle applications benefit most from new smart Electrak LL features and onboard controls.

Presenter: Anders Karlsson, Product Line Specialist – Linear Actuators, Thomson

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