R-0505L-72.000-FLW-XX-XX - Product Obsolete

Product R-0505L-72.000-FLW-XX-XX is now an obsolete item. Contact us with any further questions.

Suggested replacement has similar form/fit/function, but not a drop-in replacement or interchangeable. Review specifications of replacement item to ensure it will meet application requirements.

Ball Screw Assembly

Ball Screw Assembly, 0.500 in X 0.200 in X 72.00 in, Number Of Starts: 1

Cut to Length:

Min: 4.0 in  Max: 72.0 in  To the nearest .001 in

  • Cut to length value represents the threaded length
  • Screw ends will be cut-to-length or machined for the standard end supports selected
  • Machined screws can be ordered with Ball Nuts and Support Bearings
  • Assembly components listed under specification tab
  • Left Hand nut orientation indicates the Flange, V-thread or Lubrication Access will face the right end of the screw


Dimension Value
Unit Of Measure All length values in: in
Dimension Value
Unit Of Measure All length values in: in
Dimension Value
Unit Of Measure All length values in: in


Specification Value
Diameter 0.500 in
Root Diameter 10.414 mm (0.410 in)
Lead 0.200 in
Right Support Part Number No_Support
Right Support Type X
Left Support Part Number No_Support
Left Support Type X
Nut Part Number 8105-448-013
Nut Material Alloy Steel
Nut Style Precision
Nut Direction Left Facing
Wiper Material Brush Wiper
Wiper Part Number 8105-101-002
Flange Part Number 8105-448-002
Flange Material Carbon Steel
Screw Part Number 190-9097
Threaded Screw Length 72.000 in
Screw Material Alloy Steel
Lead Accuracy 0.004 in/ft
Number Of Starts 1
End Journal Bearing Size 10 mm
Thread Type Rolled


Performance Value
Load, Dynamic 5,338 N (1,200 lbf)
Load, Static 41,947 N (9,430 lbf)

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