8122-448-007 - Product Obsolete

Product 8122-448-007 is now an obsolete item. Contact us with any further questions.

No similar replacement. Customer must redesign to fit another product.

Ball Nut

Ball Nut, 2.250 in X 0.500 in, Wiper Included, Round, With Safety Feature, Non-Preloaded, Pickup Finger, 21306 lbf

  • Nut Only
  • Quality Tested For Reliable Perfomance
  • Dependable Accuracy and Repeatability At An Economical Price


Dimension Value
Unit Of Measure All length values in: inches


Specification Value
Diameter 2.250 in
Lead 0.500 in
Nut Material Alloy Steel
Nut Style Precision
Wiper Included
Screw Part Number 190-9572
Number Of Starts 1
Total Weight 8.30 lbs


Performance Value
Load, Dynamic 94,774 N (21,306 lbf)
Load, Static 716,831 N (161,150 lbf)

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