2AT20EL305.0 Y=32.0MM - Product Obsolete

Product 2AT20EL305.0 Y=32.0MM is now an obsolete item.

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2AT20EL305.0 Y=32.0MM

T-Series, 20mm, Narrow,

Lead Time:  Contact Factory Lead times may increase with higher quantities. Lead time displayed in business days.
Cut to Length:

Min: 152.0 mm  Max: 2950.0 mm  Tolerance +/- 0.1 mm

  • High flexibility translates into N class radial run out only.
  • Proprietary "U" channel construction allows the rail to flex to accommodate poor machine bases or misalignment errors.
  • Lower cost installation and reduced installation time by eliminating the need for a costly machined base and special tools.
  • Drop-in replacement for conventional all-steel profile linear guides.


Dimension Value
[A] 44.0 mm
[A1] 22.0 mm
[A2] 20.0 mm
[A3] 12.0 mm
[A4] 41.5 mm
[B] 76.0 mm
[E1] 32.0 mm
[E2] 36.0 mm
[H] 30.0 mm
[H1] 25.0 mm
[H2] 18.0 mm
[N3] 6.0 mm
[N5] 6.3 mm
[N6] 7.5 mm
[S2] M5
[S3] M5
[S5] 5.8 mm
[S6] 9.5 mm
[X] 60.0 mm
[LMax] 3,000.0 mm


Specification Value
Ball/Roller Ball
Carriage/Rail/Assembly Assembly
Carriage E - Narrow
Size 20
Rail Length 305.0 mm (12.01 in)
Material Aluminum Alloy
Number of Carriages 2
Temperature Max 80 °C (176 °F)
Weight 0.681 kg (1.501 lbs)
Install Manual Link https://www.thomsonlinear.com/downloads/Profile_Rail_Linear_Guides_Installation_Manual_mnen.pdf


Performance Value
100 km Dynamic Load Rating 9,000 N (2,023 lbf)
50 km Dynamic Load Rating 11,340 N (2,549 lbf)
Maximum Acceleration 50 m/s² (164 ft/s²)
Maximum Velocity 3 m/s (10 ft/s)
Static Load Rating 11,000 N (2,473 lbf)

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