MS25-200323 - Eski Ürün

제품 MS25-200323 은(는) 이제 구식입니다.


MS25LDN0305-056N505A0A00, Linear Unit, Micro Stage, Continuously Supported, Lead Screw Drive, Ball Guide, 0.005 mm Repeatability, Preloaded, 210 mm Stroke, Single Standard Carriage, 0.200 in Travel Per Shaft Rev, Inline, 6.67 in/s Maximum Linear Speed, Obsolete

  • Compact, lightweight package
  • Stainless steel leadscrew with anti-backlash nut offers precise repeatability
  • Segmented linear bearings provide smooth motion
  • Corrosion resistant options available


측정 항목
[D1]5 mm
[D2]22 mm
[E]28 mm
[F]5.7 mm
[G]43.8 mm
[H1]39.9 mm
[K]0.136 mm
[L]305 mm
[L5]49.5 mm
[P]10.4 mm
[Smax] Stroke210 mm
Travel Per Shaft Rev0.2 in

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